Business Services Tenders & Contracts

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Business Services tenders

Business Services Tenders

Business Services contracts added hourly to the Complete Tenders directory. Business Services contracts are UK wide and cover sub categories such as Systems & Policies, Consultancy Services, Marketing and Management.

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OS Guidebooks Creation and Content Services

Deadline: 28 days

Published: 16/09/2024

Ordnance Survey Limited

South East

Office for Students: Fit and Proper person checks

Deadline: 28 days

Published: 16/09/2024

Office for Students

South West

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Yorkshire and The Humber

VTS desks

Deadline: 19 days

Published: 16/09/2024

Auctions (All Provisions)

Deadline: 28 days

Published: 16/09/2024

West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust

Any region

Request for Information for a Recruitment System

Deadline: 16 days

Published: 16/09/2024

The North Yorkshire Council

Any region

Tenant Satisfaction Survey Service Provider

Deadline: 26 days

Published: 16/09/2024

East Suffolk Council

East of England

Social Mobility Commission

Any region

Social Mobility Commission

W&W CP7 Contract Management Services Framework

Deadline: 12 days

Published: 14/09/2024

Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd

Any region


West Midlands

Energia Group NI Holdings Limited

Northern Ireland

GB-London: New Year's Eve 2024 - Production

Deadline: 23 days

Published: 13/09/2024

Natural History Museum


RC0192024 Disposal and Development of Hemlington Grange South

Deadline: 65 days

Published: 13/09/2024

Middlesbrough Borough Council

North East

Request for Quotation: ISO 27001 Certification

Deadline: 5 days

Published: 13/09/2024


North East,North West,Yorkshire and The Humber,East Midlands,West Midlands,East of England,London,South East,South West,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland,Jordan,Lebanon,United Arab Emirates

COR0924 Survey DNA Analysis

Deadline: 15 days

Published: 13/09/2024

National Physical Laboratory

Any region

Marketing Agency Services

Deadline: 25 days

Published: 13/09/2024

Rail Safety and Standards Board


Strategic Roads User Survey 2025-2027

Deadline: 26 days

Published: 13/09/2024

Transport Focus

Any region

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