• Open Tenders
  • Market Engagement for HMP Dovegate and HMP Doncaster Competitions

Market Engagement for HMP Dovegate and HMP Doncaster Competitions

Published: 03/05/2024

Deadline: 31/10/2024

Deadline: 54 days

Status: Open

Location of contract: Yorkshire and The Humber,West Midlands

Value of contract: Not stated

The buyer: Ministry of Justice


This Dual Prior Information Notice (PIN) is for the purpose of informing the market of the potential timing for market engagement and re-procurement of the contracts to deliver Prison Operator Services at HMP Dovegate and HMP Doncaster, which are currently two privately run prisons (the "Prisons").

The Ministry of Justice (the "Authority") is not yet able to confirm whether the Prisons will continue to be run in the private sector. However, in the event this is the case, the Authority, will seek the market's support in developing its strategy for the future of Prison Operator Services at the prisons through market engagement.

In the event the prisons are to continue to operate in the private sector, it is anticipated that market engagement activity would commence during Summer 2024, ahead of an estimated procurement launch date in October 2024 (subject to change).

If procurement activity for the private sector prison operator contracts does take place, it is anticipated there would be overlap with procurement activity due to take place for the Generation Two Prison Operator Services Framework Agreement (see Notice reference: 2024/S 000-000092).


Prison Operator Services (also referred to as "prison management" in global markets) involves the provision of Operational Custodial Services and Facilities Management (FM) of prisons in England and Wales.

Specifically, a Prison Operator Contract covers delivery of all operational custodial services (including but not limited to education, rehabilitation, training, work, security, resettlement) and FM services (hard and soft) that are required for a prison to hold prisoners, both safely and securely, while providing transformative services that reduce reoffending and maintain the prison to a high standard.

The Authority has procured contracts for the operation of prisons to the private sector since the early 1990s and has long advocated a shared approach to prison operation that includes a mix of public, voluntary and private sector involvement.

HMP Dovegate is a male Category B Resettlement prison located near Uttoxeter in Staffordshire. Accommodation at the prison is divided into the main prison (960 places) and the Democratic Therapeutic Community (200 places). In 2009 the addition of a further accommodation block and other facilities, saw the prison capacity increase to a maximum of 1,160 places

HMP and YOI Doncaster is a Category B Reception and Resettlement prison situated in South Yorkshire. Doncaster houses a male population of up to 1,145 individuals approximately 200 of whom are young offenders aged 18-20.

**Please continue reading in the 'additional text' section**

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

Any procurement activity that does occur for these Prison Operator Services would fall outside the remit of the Authority's current Prison Operator Services Framework (tender_176857/816223) and would not be captured under the Generation Two Prison Operator Services Framework (Notice reference: 2024/S 000-000092), therefore the procurement process to run the Prisons would be managed as separate competitions through the Light Touch Regime. As changes are expected to the current UK Procurement Regulations, the Authority will keep interested parties informed of the intended procurement procedure to be used for both competitions through the publication of additional Prior Information Notices.

Expressions of Interest to be involved in potential future market engagement

The Authority is keen to understand the potential market interest for Prison Operator Services at both Prisons, particularly considering the potential overlap with the Generation Two Prison Operator Services Framework procurement. The Authority therefore invites organisations with the capability and capacity to deliver Prison Operator Services to express interest in any future market engagement activity (subject to the decision to continue to operate these Prisons in the private sector).

For context and background, the Authority is seeking to adopt a two-stage approach for the HMP Dovegate & HMP Doncaster competitions which would enable both procurement exercises to share the same SSQ (Standard Selection Questionnaire). Bidding organisations will be asked to indicate which Prison(s) they have an interest in.

Organisations which pass the SSQ stage of the process will have the opportunity to participate in the tendering activity, for either one or both of the Prisons. Confirmation of this approach will be highlighted in the Contract Notice issued as part of the final Competition process later this year.

To register your interest, please register for an account (if you do not already have an existing account) at Jaggaer, https://ministryofjusticecommercial.bravosolution.co.uk/ and search for 'PQQ 428' within the 'PQQs Open to All Suppliers' section. Once you have located 'PQQ_428', please confirm your interest by selecting 'Express Interest'.

If you have forgotten your log in details, please do not register again but instead use the 'I cannot access my account' link within the login window.

For organisations who express interest, we will be in touch in due course with further details and joining instructions for planned market engagement events, if and when they are scheduled.

Disclaimer: Please note this PIN is for market engagement purposes only. It does not signify the commencement of any procurement process and does not constitute any commitment by the Authority. A separate notice(s) will be published at the relevant time should the Authority decide to commence any procurement(s).

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

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