Waste Management Services Y24012

Published: 11/09/2024

Deadline: 21/10/2024

Deadline: 9 days

Status: Open

Location of contract: Any region

Value of contract: £950,000,000

The buyer: Kent County Council (T/A Procurement Services)


Framework Agreement for Waste Management Services.
LOT 1– General Waste and Recycling LOT 2 –Clinical Waste Services LOT 3 – Confidential and High Security Waste LOT 4 – Textile Waste Recycling LOT 5 – Hazardous Waste, Chemical and Radioactive (non-clinical) LOT 6 – Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) Household and Commercial Waste Processing Services
An additional Lot, LOT 7 – Total Waste Management Service, will be added that will include Suppliers who have been awarded on all Lots from 1 to 5. This will allow the procuring parties to access Suppliers who offer the full range of services as stated in Lots 1 to 5. This is not a scoring element as submissions will have already been scored as part of of Lot 1 to 5 evaluation.
The value of this Lot 7 is estimated at a value of £200m.

The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.
For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:
To respond to this opportunity, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-2024911-PRO-27666650

Suppliers can provide directly or indirectly via Sub-Contractors but must be able to provide all Services listed below.
General waste is material that cannot be recycled. It includes materials such as non-recyclable plastics, polythene, some packaging and kitchen scraps. Awarded Suppliers are expected to find alternatives to landfill sites which can ensure that value, usually in the form of energy, is recovered from it.
Tenderers must have the capability to provide a wide range of general waste and recycling Services, both scheduled and/or ad-hoc for schools and the wider public sector including, but not limited to:
•Collection, disposal and treatment of
oBin bag/sacks
oWheelie bins (various sizes, collection and delivery)
•Skips Front End Loading (FEL) and Rear End Loading (REL)
•Roll-on-roll-off containers
•Kerb-side collection
•Fly tipping removal
The type of general waste awarded Suppliers will need to be able to collect and dispose of includes, but is not limited to:
•Bulk non-hazardous waste
•Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR)
•Food waste
•General waste
•Glass recycling
•Green waste
•Metal waste
•Other single stream recycling 
•WEEE waste 
•Wood waste  Additional information: This is a Framework agreement is fully accessible to the all Public Sector Bodies as identified in the Public Contract Regulations. Further information is contained within the ITT and/or available on request

Suppliers can provide directly or indirectly via Sub-Contractors but must be able to provide all Services listed below.
This LOT is for the collection, disposal and treatment of a range of clinical related waste materials, including but not limited to:
•Hazardous waste
•Infectious waste
•Offensive waste
•Pharmaceutical waste
•Reuseable sharps bins
•Single use sharps bins
•Washroom (eg municipal offensive waste) Additional information: This is a Framework agreement is fully accessible to the all Public Sector Bodies as identified in the Public Contract Regulations. Further information is contained within the ITT and/or available on request

Suppliers must be able to provide one or more of the Services listed below. Please ensure you complete the table within Annex D – Tenderers Response LOT 3
Confidential waste is any waste that contains or shows personal information and it can be in a variety of form factors.
Suppliers awarded onto this LOT are expected provide a range of Services, including but not limited to:
•Cargo and freight disposal
•High security shredding
•On site disposal/shredding
•One off/ad-hoc collections
•Product shredding
•Provision and collection of confidential waste bins
•Scheduled collections
The type of confidential waste awarded Suppliers will need to be able to securely dispose of includes, but is not limited to:
•Illegal and counterfeit goods
•Paper based materials such as address book of contact details, bank information, obsolete invoices or quotations
•Unclaimed or abandoned goods
•Used/obsolete uniforms and company identification badges, passes or documents. Additional information: This is a Framework agreement is fully accessible to the all Public Sector Bodies as identified in the Public Contract Regulations. Further information is contained within the ITT and/or available on request

Suppliers can provide directly or indirectly via Sub-Contractors but must be able to provide all Services listed below.
This LOT is for the collection and recycling of all forms of textile waste, including but not limited to:
•Footwear including trainers, sandals, boots and shoes made from fabric or textile materials
•Other textiles made from natural or artificial materials
•Soft furnishings (e.g. curtains and cushions) Additional information: This is a Framework agreement is fully accessible to the all Public Sector Bodies as identified in the Public Contract Regulations. Further information is contained within the ITT and/or available on request

Suppliers must be able to provide one or more of the Services listed below. Please ensure you complete the table within Annex D – Tenderers Response LOT 5
This LOT is for the collection, disposal and treatment of a range of hazardous waste materials, including but not limited to:
•Batteries (e.g. lead, acid, NI-Cd and mercury)
•Chemicals such as brake fluid/print toner
•Electrical equipment with potentially hazardous components
•Oils (except edible ones), such as car oil
•Radioactive waste collection
You must ensure every load of hazardous waste you receive or pass to others is covered by a HWCN. Asbestos waste from a domestic premise requires that the homeowner receives a HWCN.
Hazardous waste notes ensure that there is a clear audit trail from when the waste is produced until it is disposed of. You must keep copies of all your waste transfer notes (including HWCNs) for a least three years and must be able to produce them on demand.
We require Suppliers to provide Customers with hazardous, chemical and radioactive waste Services ensuring all waste is disposed of according to Government Legislation.
Tenderers must have the capability to provide a wide range of hazardous, chemical and radioactive waste Services, both scheduled and/or ad-hoc for schools and the wider public sector. Additional information: This is a Framework agreement is fully accessible to the all Public Sector Bodies as identified in the Public Contract Regulations. Further information is contained within the ITT and/or available on request

LOT 6a – Collection and processing of HWRC and transfer station waste
To include, but not be limited to
•All waste streams such as commercial and household
•The delivery of waste to third party waste processors
LOT 6b – Processing of household and commercial waste delivered to the Supplier's waste processing facility
Suppliers are to make available if required either directly or indirectly via Sub-Contractors all equipment and resources to enable a full waste Service procured under LOT 6a/6b to be provided. Equipment and resources may include, but not be limited to receptacles plant, balers, containers, compactors, and operators. All equipment provided must be deemed suitable to the task required and the location of the Service. Operators must be trained and qualified to meet the Service procured. Additional information: This is a Framework agreement is fully accessible to the all Public Sector Bodies as identified in the Public Contract Regulations. Further information is contained within the ITT and/or available on request

Additional information

Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.

What to look for

All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:

  • Name and details of contracting authority
  • Where to register and access the tender documents
  • Scope and descriptions of the procurement exercise
  • Place of performance
  • Estimated contract value
  • Contract duration and dates
  • Conditions for participation
  • Procedure for tendering and the submission deadline

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