Tenders for Construction Contracts

824 Open Tenders and 3138 Awarded Tenders for the construction sector

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Helping businesses source and tender for both public and private sector related contracts.

Over 700 open tenders for UK Construction Contracts available free for 7 days.

Challenges of tendering for construction contracts

Procurement for construction covers a vast range of products and services including anything from supplying building equipment to major works contracts. As such, initially the most challenging task will be to sort through the extensive material in order to identify which tender you want and can successfully bid for.

Tenders relating to the construction industry

Based on the vast range of products and services, you may find yourself evaluating hundreds of tender listings and specifications in order to find a construction tender that is related to your business offering and experience. Therefore, you must ensure that you have an efficient system to sort through the information and make an informed decision to tender.

Tender top tips

Top tips for winning construction contracts

1. Read all of the tender documentation

Read all of the tender documentation carefully to get a full understanding of what the buying organisation is looking for. What are their criteria and can you meet all of them? If you cannot, then develop a strategy to fill those gaps so that you can compete for the next construction tender that arises.

2. Work through the PQQ

Work through the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire in detail. Can you say yes to all the questions? Typically, requirements include:

  • Accounts for the last 2 years
  • Insurance certificates
  • Health and safety policy
  • Quality assurance policy
  • Environmental policy
  • Equal opportunities policy
  • Organisation structure chart
  • CHAS, Constructionline, SafeContractor industry accreditations
  • Waste carriers licence

If you do not have these in place, call Complete Tenders on 01707 244713 and our expert team of tender writing specialists and bid management consultants can help get you ‘Tender Ready’.

3. Visit the site

If you can visit the site beforehand, do so. That way, your tender can be much more specific and relevant, with pricing becoming far more accurate.

4. On time AND on Budget

Many construction tenders are project based, so it is important to be able to demonstrate that you have the processes and experience to implement the programme on time and project manage it to a successful conclusion – on time, on budget. You are likely to need a robust contract implementation plan.

5. Use your experience

Use case histories, testimonials and team experience to help assure the evaluator that you will be the best placed contractor. Provide as much evidence as possible based on previous experience.

6. Supply accurate MI

For facilities management tenders and repairs and maintenance tenders, can you supply accurate management information (MI) on how well you have carried out a contract in the past? Can you show monthly reports on meeting the Service Level Agreement (SLA)? If not, consider starting this with your existing customers now, so you will have the evidence available as soon as possible.

7. Focus on your strengths

If you’re a small business, consider how you can use that to the buyer’s advantage. Focus on the evidence you can provide from your other customers that a smaller, local service is better. Can you support this with customer testimonials? If not, collect some.

8. Explain YOUR benefits

As well as answering the tender questions accurately, remember the tender is a ‘selling’ document to convince the buyer that you are their best choice. So, explain the benefits of your service and not just the features (what you do). Additionally, write your tender with a positive attitude – ‘we will’ not ‘we would’.

Construction Tender Quote

We approached Complete Tenders to help us with a bid for a local public sector project, having previously failed to win similar work. It was interesting to witness how our bid was moulded to suit the brief requirements and utilise our specific experience and skillsets. Putting the tender submission together was a collaborative process and Matthew and his team guided us through the whole process. Our final submission was well polished and ultimately Complete Tenders helped us win our first public sector job. We are now using their tracker service to find the next appropriate tender for us to bid for.

Simon Knight, Milligan Knight Architects

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Related Construction Tenders we’ve won

NHS flooring tenders

Those for a small flooring contractor providing specialist flooring services to an NHS hospital.

Local authority maintenance tenders

Those for businesses providing repairs, maintenance and installation services to local authorities.

Private sector build tenders

We have also helped both small and large organisations win design and build contracts in both the public and private sector.

Find the right construction tender for your business and prepare an outstanding response that beats the competition with the help of our expert consultants. Our services are designed to help small companies with little in-house bid management and tender writing expertise compete with larger organisations.

824Tenders for the construction section online now

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  • Calculated opportunity selection
  • Tendering follow up support


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