Research & Development Tenders & Contracts

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Research & Development tenders

Research & Development Tenders

Research & Development contracts added hourly to the Complete Tenders directory. Research & Development contracts are UK wide and cover sub categories such as Consultancy, Market Research, Clinical Trials, Surveys and Reviews.

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Safety of Nitrates and Nitrites as Food Additives

Deadline: 21 days

Published: 10/10/2024

Food Standards Agency

Any region


Deadline: 14 days

Published: 09/10/2024

Natural England

North East,North West,Yorkshire and The Humber,East Midlands,West Midlands,East of England,London,South East,South West

Cambridgeshire County Council

East of England

Cambridgeshire County Council

North East,North West,Yorkshire and The Humber,East Midlands,West Midlands,East of England,London,South East,South West

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Group

Yorkshire and The Humber

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Group

Yorkshire and The Humber

Liskeard Town Vision

Deadline: 7 days

Published: 08/10/2024

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

Any region

Volunteering Audit 2024

Deadline: 15 days

Published: 07/10/2024

South Downs National Park Authority

South East

PS24190 - Digital Standards Landscaping

Deadline: 1 day

Published: 04/10/2024

STEP Remountable Joints Programme Consultancy

Deadline: 3 days

Published: 04/10/2024

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

Any region

Impact Strategy Consultation

Deadline: 1 day

Published: 03/10/2024

The National Lottery Community Fund

Any region

London Borough of Hackney

North East,North West,Yorkshire and The Humber,East Midlands,West Midlands,East of England,London,South East,South West

Scheme Delivery Framework 2 - Market Engagement

Deadline: 16 days

Published: 02/10/2024

National Highways

North East,North West,Yorkshire and The Humber,East Midlands,West Midlands,East of England,London,South East,South West

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