CHIC Cleaning - Dynamic Purchasing System [DPS]
Published: 13/09/2023
Deadline: 13/08/2027
Deadline: 914 days
Status: Open
Sector: Cleaning & Sanitation
Location of contract: Any region
Value of contract: £75,000,000
The buyer: Communities and Housing Investment Consortium Limited (CHIC)
CHIC publishes this Notice of an Amendment to be made to the DPS in pursuance of the original Notice 2017/S 135-277023 published in OJEU on the 14th July 2017. All other details relating to this DPS remain unchanged.
The change comprises extending the coverage nationally and validity period with a further 60-months extension option, reviewed at 12 month increments whereby the authority can amend (extend, shorten, terminate or re-procure) the DPS.
This DPS remains accessible by members of CHIC to all UK public-sector bodies (potential members) including (but not limited to):
• Housing Associations
• Local Authorities and Government Departments
• Registered Charities
• NHS and Health and Social Care Groups
• Emergency Services
• Schools and Academies/Colleges and Universities
• Libraries and Museums
, including those listed in Schedule 1 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015/102.
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. Communities & Housing Investment Consortium (CHIC) is a central purchasing body and information in respect of CHIC and a Schedule of CHIC Members can be found on the CHIC website: and a list of current Members can also be found in the draft Framework Agreement. CHIC is procuring the Framework Agreement on behalf of all Authorised Users as described in the Framework Agreement.
Call-off Contracts from the Framework Lots may be used to supply material to meet a range of construction needs across both Housing and other properties, including social and commercial premises.
Category 1: Office/Commercial/Education/Blue Light site cleaning. Including but not limited to all internals, IT equipment/desk space, lifts (floors and walls), stairwells, carpets/flooring, deep cleans, exterior cladding, signage, balconies, lower roof space, fascia and window cleaning (interior and exterior).
Contracts awarded under this DPS Category may include a mix of the listed options, therefore applications to participate are welcomed from Suppliers that do not provide all of the services stated. Estimated total value of contracts to be awarded under this Category during the 60 month period is £15,000,000.
Category 2: Housing/Domestic/Communal/Sheltered site cleaning. Including but not limited to all internals, lifts (floors and walls), stairwells, carpets/flooring, deep cleans, exterior cladding, signage, balconies, lower roof space, fascia and window cleaning (interior and exterior).
Contracts awarded under this DPS Category may include a mix of the listed options, therefore applications to participate are welcomed from Suppliers that do not provide all of the services stated. Estimated total value of contracts to be awarded under this Category during the 60 month period is £10,000,000.
Category 3: Extra Care/Health/NHS site cleaning. Clinical and non-clinical requirements including but not limited to all rooms associated with extra care/health/NHS sites, e.g. patient/resident, examination, operating, emergency, x-ray, MRI and wards. Also may include infection control, laundering, all surfaces (including walls), lifts (floors and walls), stairwells, carpets/flooring, deep cleans, exterior cladding, signage, balconies, lower roof space, fascia and window cleaning (interior and exterior). Contracts may require cleaning to PAS 5748:2014 standards.
Contracts awarded under this DPS Category may include a mix of the listed options, therefore applications to participate are welcomed from Suppliers that do not provide all of the services stated. Estimated total value of contracts to be awarded under this Category during the 60 month period is £20,000,000.
Category 4: All sites. Including but not limited to elements required under Categories 1 to 3.
Contracts awarded under this DPS Category may include a mix of the listed options for Categories 1 to 3, therefore applications to participate are welcomed from Suppliers that do not provide all of the services stated. Estimated total value of contracts to be awarded under this Category during the 60 month period is £30,000,000.
Use the following links to access information about the buyer, tender notice documents and further resources about this tender opportunity.
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All public procurement notices are published in a standard format, which should give you some key information to assist with your bid decision:
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