Products, Materials & Supplies Tenders & Contracts

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Products, Materials & Supplies tenders

Products, Materials & Supplies Tenders

Products, Materials & Supplies contracts added hourly to the Complete Tenders directory. Products, Materials & Supplies contracts are UK wide and cover sub categories such as Kitchen Supplies, PPE, Uniforms and Workwear and School Equipment.

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North East,North West,Yorkshire and The Humber

DPS - Dynamic Supplier List: Asset Solutions

Deadline: 404 days

Published: 18/04/2019


North East,North West,Yorkshire and The Humber,East Midlands,West Midlands,East of England,London,South East,South West,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland,Isle of Man,Guernsey,Jersey,Anguilla,Bermuda,British Antarctic Territory,British Indian Ocean Terr

Supply and delivery of Chemical Substances

Deadline: 40 days

Published: 28/05/2017

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